Thank you for stopping by my website. If you read my book, thank you for taking the time to do that as well!
I figure you are on this page because you want to know my theological background.
I attended Dallas Theological Seminary from 2000–06. In 2005, I graduated with a ThM in New Testament Theology. Though I didn’t dual major, I used all my electives on Hebrew Bible classes and taught Hebrew grammar at The Center for Biblical Studies as part of my seminary internship. I chose a New Testament topic for my thesis (The Identity of “The Overcomer” in Revelation 2–3), and so I graduated with a degree in New Testament. I went on to study for a year in the New Testament PhD program at DTS before withdrawing to go into pastoral ministry.
Before attending DTS, I received a BA from Cedarville University in Ohio (2000), where I studied cross-cultural ministry. After attending DTS, I received a DMin from Portland Seminary (2016), where I studied semiotics under Leonard Sweet. My dissertation was on intergenerational church; it was titled Authentic Leadership as a Means of Retaining G2 Leaders in an Intergenerational Church.
In early 2023, my first book, Mustard Seeds and Viral Videos: Modern Retellings of the Parables of Jesus, will be published by Wipf & Stock. I am so excited for this!
I am currently an elder and the Ministries Director at Believers Fellowship in Gig Harbor, where I have been on staff since 2006. I will post videos of my sermons on the blog.
I have been married to Brooke since June 2002. We have three children—Zack, Avery, and Luke.