This is a paraphrase of Psalm 5, spoken as if from the mouth of Jesus. I translated it from the Hebrew and took liberties with the text to communicate its message to the church from a post-Easter perspective.
"For the choir director. It’s another song inspired by David—this one used to be played on the flute.
'The Father hears you when you cry out to Him. Even if it seems like your murmurs go unheard, rest assured that He hears them all.
He made you. He knows you. He has sworn to protect you. Like a mother with her newborn child, the Father cannot ignore your cries.
He sees what you are going through and He will rescue you.
The Father knows the heart and recognizes devotion. He hears every prayer and sees even the smallest act of faithfulness. You are known!
Make no mistake—God hates wickedness! He will not tolerate evil forever!
Those people who make much of themselves? God pays them no notice. He will bring justice and swiftly.
The truth will be known in the end.
Violence and deceit will be brought to nothing.
I am preparing a place for you, and I keep my word! I have defeated even the grave—your inheritance is assured!
Your enemies are no match for the Father, and you are his delight. I will show you the way. It is narrow and difficult, but its end is life. Follow me!
All other paths are dead ends. They all lead to destruction. They falsely promise power, wealth, and peace, but make no mistake—their end is death.
Father, bring justice and quickly! May Death itself be swallowed up in victory! Cast it into the Lake of Fire!
Put a song of joy on the lips of your people! Let their cries echo forever! Rescue them from the evil one! Vindicate your Name so that all may know that I am Lord and Christ!
You are faithful, Father. Your favor protects your people like a shield.'”